There are days when I seem to get more done than others. I try to fit a lot into any given day, because I have so many things I want to get done and so many things I actually need to get done. Mostly the things I want and need to get done are the same things; I'm lucky because I really enjoy my day to day routine looking after my beautiful children, cooking, gardening and housestuff. But there are definitely days which are more productive than others and I think I'm piecing it together... I say this tentatively as my research is ongoing, but here is what I know so far...
Firstly, let me say, I finally understand why my mum was such a clean freak with her house! We used to occasionally tease mum with the 'clean freak' term, when our being messy kids would interfere with her grand plan of a sparkly home, often asking her "when the queen was coming?" Now I feel really bad about that because I finally get it. And this is why - if your house is clean, everything else will happen with relative ease AND it will make more time! I had to buy a new watch when all of sudden my day went to 25 hours instead of 24... god that's awful. Anyway, sorry mum for calling you a 'clean freak' all those years, I am now donning the term 'clean freakette' in your honour!
So, on the days when I achieve lots, its because my house is clean. When everything is where it should 'live', everything happens so much quicker and then keeping it tidy once its actually clean seems to take less time too! This way I am able to cram more into my day and less into my to-do list. I am loving myself sick with this new found appreciation for a clean house!
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