Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rub your tummy and pat your head

My newborn used to get pretty bad wind, especially after mummy had indulged in a pizza with garlic and onion.

The burping technique for a baby with wind is to rub and pat their back and until they burp; apparently!  I'm beginning to think it's a bit of an old wives tale, contrived just so mothers feel in some way that they are helping the natural order of things.

Think about it: - how many times have you had a big burp develop by someone wacking you on the back? some, none? Or, is it more that the positions we put the baby in are actually conducive to burping anyway? Sitting up slightly bent over for example - next time you feel like a burp, lean forward and listen to the almighty sound propel from your hole!! There is only one way to help a baby burp and its not rubbing your tummy while patting your head.

Its Infacol!!

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